Monday, November 9, 2009

Tweet, Mr. President!

As an advocate and compulsive user of some of the most popular social networking sites on the internet, finding celebrities using the same services often makes me giggle. When Miley Cyrus deleted her Twitter, an estranged fan created, where she threatened to kill and eat her cat if the teenager pop star didn't come back to the new SNS phenomenon. Fun fact: She has even posted a collection of potential recipes for the doomed kitty.
This made me wonder, however, what would happen if the White House were to ever pull out of such social media website.
What would we do without "tweets" such as "Tradition. Video of Obama planting a tree on WH grounds, photos of a couple others from over the years" and "Photo gallery: White House Halloween, First Lady as Catwoman"? Without the YouTube videos of the first lady advocating healthier diets, how would I connect on a personal level with my policy makers?
These realizations led me to a decision; if the White House were to ever take down their Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts, I will saw off my own arm and stir fry it with brown rice.
But in all seriousness, although I commend the White House for attempting to reach out to the younger generations, I don't think Michelle Obama as Catwoman is really the most important domestic issue at the moment.
Maybe the administration should stop "tweeting" and start reading the Health Care bill. Maybe it's just me and my public school brainwashing, but where I come from, we generally try to read a book before telling everyone we like it.

Related (and admittedly fun) Links:


  1. Um, so I just checked out that Fuzzy lady's website, and I'm a bit creeped out...just saying.

  2. I would recommend keeping your arm. The health care bill has yet to pass both houses. Good Blogging on the marriage issue. Two words for you Bri- LAW SCHOOL
