Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Race for Racial Relations

STOP THE PRESSES! This just in... Obama has not made all Americans turn from their racist ways! He's a failure to the country!

reported that "[A] poll, published on the U.S. holiday commemorating civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., found 41 percent now say Obama's presidency has helped race relations, compared with 58 percent on the eve of Obama's inauguration a year ago who said his presidency would help race relations.

The decline was the sharpest among African Americans, with 51 percent now saying Obama has helped advance race relations, compared with 75 percent who, last January, said they expected Obama's presidency to help."

Really, America? Really? Just because the liberals and moderates and not-racist people voted in a black president doesn't mean that all citizens will renounce their racist ways. No matter what Obama does, there will always be racist people.

US News gave me a little more hope, with a quote from our president. "For all the symbolism of Obama's position in the White House, he has not yet used his bully pulpit to take on the issue of race. On several occasions, in fact, the president has seemed to deliberately shy away from the subject. When Attorney General Holder picked up the reins this winter, chiding Americans for being "a nation of cowards" on racial matters, Obama pushed back firmly. "I'm not somebody who believes that constantly talking about race somehow solves racial tensions," he said."

Here's a winger- he's right. There is really nothing that any of us can ever do to stop racial tensions, short of breeding out the racist bunch or isolating them on some remote island with angry natives and no guns. But that's un-American, so I guess we're just going to have to ignore them.

Talking about race to ease racial tensions works about as well as condemning dictator's rhetoric contains Communism. Huh.

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