Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Underwear Bomber

On Christmas Day, America got a present. More airport regulations. All thanks to a particularly angry young Nigerian man who tried to light his underwear on fire to blow up an airplane.

President Obama was heavily criticized for not responding fast enough. reported that "critics charge his Administration is too soft on terrorism and slow to act after the attack". I believe it took him around 48 hours to make a statement about the incident.

Really? This is what we're getting angry at the President about? Not talking about something fast enough?

I think there are plenty of other things we could be angry about. Even Doonesbury has turned. So I decided to look at the issues that should really be focused on. I found this great website that tracks the progress of all the promises Obama made on the campaign trail. Let's have a look, shall we?

This is how it breaks down:
Promises kept: 90
Compromises: 29
Promises broken: 11
Stalled: 66
In Progress: 244
Not yet started: 68

Personally, this seems pretty good. Out of 508 promises, he has a 17% kept promises percentage. But compared to the 2% failure percentage, that's really good.

So stop ragging on him for not canceling his family's Christmas celebration to say, "A guy tried and failed to light his underwear on fire to kill people. The TSA is now going to be racially profiling passengers. Merry Christmas."

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